SEADRIF Insurance Company Team Participated at the Inaugural Climate Risk Finance Forum Hosted by Frankfurt School of Finance and Management and the Global Shield Solutions Platform

April 11, 2024

The SEADRIF Insurance Company team had the honor to be invited to the inaugural Climate Risk Finance Forum hosted by Frankfurt School of Finance and Management and the Global Shield Solutions Platform (GSSP) in Frankfurt, Germany from 11th to 12th April. It was a platform for meaningful discussions and collaborations among risk pools, insurance companies, NGOs, and academia. It was inspiring to witness the exchange of ideas and the cooperative commitment to addressing climate and disaster risks.

Over 70 participants representing various parts of the world came together to delve into the intricacies of Climate and Disaster Risk Insurance and Finance (CDRFI) development. The forum, led by the Global Risk Modelling Alliance (GRMA), underscored the significant role of risk pools in supporting governments and vulnerable communities in mitigating and recovering from climate impacts.

The team participated in workshop discussions on enhancing coordination and exchange of risk analytics among risk pools, optimizing risk ceding and retentions for risk pools, defining a vision for the future of development insurers and sustainable methods to enhance protection through premium support.

Reflecting on the discussions at the panel closing of the forum, Ms. Hien Anh Than, Executive Director and Board Member, highlighted the timeliness of the workshop and its role in fostering positive collaboration among risk pools. She also emphasized the importance of premium support in promoting pre-arranged finance as a development insurer.